HR Consulting & Recruitment

Unlocking Organizational Excellence Through Strategic HR Mastery

The Quality Of Organization heavly depends on the quality of the employees.

The success of any Organization is to find a right employee who helps to attain the strategic goals of an Organization.

The purpose of the Strategic Human Resources Management training is to learn the functions and best of practices of Human Resources Management in an Organization in-line with the culture of the Organization and to implement the practices.

Recruitment & Procurement

Streamlining the Pyroll Management


Safety and security

Transport needs

Professional representation

Motivation and Encouragement


What we do
  • Understand the business process
  • Analyzing the current situation by interviewing the department heads.
    • Manpower needs
    • History of the past in-takes
    • Skill-gap analysis
    • Employee journey
  • Recommendation of new Staffing (if necessary)
  • Creating the end-to-end business process Framework in terms of HR (including time-office-if any) without impacting the current business process.This includes across departments,re-org, Travel and appraisal process
  • Implementation of Framework after the Management discloses
  • A HR from plan Point will be placed to maintain the streamlined process with
    1 year contract and the salary will be paid by the customer

Statutory Complaints (Online)

Social Security


Industrial Relation

Women Benefits


Comply with the legal obligations and making the compony out of trouble

Timely Payments & Avoid Penalties

Conducting Awareness programs on compliance

Conducting awareness programs on compliance

Increase reputation and confidence

Enabling the compony for easy acquisition

Payroll Processing

(Calculation and Payslip generation)

Contact Us

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